Rheaco Service Inc. Heating and Air Rheaco Service Inc. Dayton, Tennessee
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Today was one of those days when reality just hits you in the face. The moment was one of total humility but complete gratitude.  I received a phone call from a long time acquaintance who called to share her heart with me. This was so precious to my heart to hear from this lady, whom I have admired for years but the words she shared with me and about me were humbling. 

During the conversation, I learned that you can have a genuine friendship with a person you have never met. A relationship over the phone for 35 years, between two women, started out as a business-customer relationship but developed into a strong respected friendship.



As with many of our customers, that I speak with daily, we have developed just that a phone relationship. We have shared stories about our marriages, kids, grandkids, family, sorrow and happiness.  And one thing is sure, words matter.  Like many people, I am good on the giving end of a relationship but the receiving end is very humbling but nonetheless blessed to hear.

During our conversation, my friend spoke of so many memories and words that we had shared over the years and even letters that I had sent of which I had forgotten but she hadn't.  She shared with me due to a medical issue she was not saying - -  - Goodbye but a simple I'll See You Just A Little Later.

It hit me hard after we hung up that our words and actions do matter even if you think no one is listening. So while my heart was full of her sweet words, she then shared that her time was near and my eyes immediately filled with tears. I was honored she counted me a friend and took the time to call.

But this is not a "GOODBYE" this is a simple "I’LL SEE YOU JUST A LITTLE LATER."  Because if you believe that Jesus Christ came to die for our sins (we were all born into sin) confessed and we have accepted HIM as our Lord and Savior then we shall live eternally in heaven and we will meet again. Later that day, I wrote a letter to my friend and shared just that because I know "I’LL SEE HER JUST A LITTLE LATER."

Our words and deeds matter. Those words we chose to convey our thoughts and feelings. Aside from non-verbal communication such as hugs, winks, or smiles - words are the heartbeat of a relationship. 

When we misuse our words, we not only dishonor ourselves but our relationships. Think before you speak, not something many of us put into practice for sure. Words have power—the power to heal, hurt, to build and to destroy. Sometimes even the tone of our voice adds “color”, if you will, to our words which may have an outcome that was meant or not meant to be. So be careful with your words because once spoken, they can be forgiven but not forgotten. One kind word can change a persons whole day.

What it all boils down to is a RELATIONSHIP!

At Rheaco Service, we try to do just that...... build a relationship with our customers built on WORD and DEED...........
Because WORDS MATTER !  There is an ole say: "mean what you say and say what you mean", we want to assure our customers that we can be trusted with their Home Comfort Needs.

Tell those around you or better yet put your words on paper and let them know how much you love them and what they mean to you.

Tell people daily because one day they won’t see or smell the flowers that you sent.

“Friendships are born at that moment when one person says to another, “What? You Too? I thought I was the only one”. ~ C.S. Lewis

Thanks for reading and listening !   
~ Cherie                                                 


We appreciate our long and positive relationship with the Rheaco Team of professional, knowledgeable, and friendly staff and look foward to…”  -Don Hamachek

Appreciated Rheaco, so very much, thoroughness and conscientiousness of the tech that you sent out.  -Lauren D. Young

The ladies who answer the telephone are exceptionally nice and professional. They made my request very easy. Thanks!  -Ann Bassham

Thanks so much for taking care of our Heating and Air-Conditioning systems. We love the planned maintenance service, we don't have to…”  -Sylvia Freeman, Soddy-Daisy

Very impressed with workmanship and work ethics of your employess. They did a great job!! Honest, dependable, friendly--hard to find these days!  -Southerland, Dunlap

I found Rheaco to be very professional and very hard working. They were here when they said they would be and very courteous…”  -B. Sale, Chattanooga, TN
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