Ole Pals are Best Pals |
When you ask people what makes a good friend, you’ll often get all kind of answers but one thing is sure we all need a good friend.
However good friends are hard to come by.
However good friends are hard to come by.

A good friend is one who sticks by you, listens, laughs, cries, is present, loyal, honest in good times and bad times. People can say all sort of nice things to you to try to convince you that they could be a good friend but “actions speak louder than words.” Mutual trust between friends is a building block of a solid friendship that could last a lifetime. Good friends encourage one another and respect each other’s boundaries and those are qualities that are built.
Sometimes you find yourself having an employee as a best friend. As an employer, that is a rare combination. It also has rare level of areas to which an employer may go. Having a valued employee / good friend is important to bounce things off and respect as well with the upmost.
For any employer, you know and expect people to come and go but when an employee / friend leaves the effect goes deep. A true friendship knows it’s ok to let go because you only want the best for them and truly hope they find happiness. You also know that your friendship doesn’t end. You will text, email, call and still share moments with each other. You know you still have a level of friendship but you also know that level has and will change in a lot of ways. But none-the-less you bid your employee / friend farewell and extend your best wishes.
And so it is with our employee / friend David Sneed. We have been through a lot over the years personally and professionally. We have laughed, cried, worked through all kinds of situations, watched each others kids grow into adulthood and have been a part of new chapters in each others lives. As David turns this new page in his life, we support and only wish the very best for him. David, you have been an excellent employee as well as a friend and you have left your mark on us. We appreciate your good work over the years with Rheaco Service and we join together in wishing you every success in all your future endeavors.
You may not be an employee but you will always be a friend.
~ Timothy & Cherie.