Full Name:
  Phone Number:

Email Address:

Rheaco Service representatives are well trained and proficient in workmanship:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Rheaco Service representatives adhere to professional standards of conduct:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Rheaco Service representatives gave ultimate respect to myself as well as my property:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Somewhat Disagree Disagree

My initial contact with Rheaco Service was very pleasant and I was given ease from the moment my phone call was answered:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Somewhat Disagree Disagree

I feel the Rheaco Service representative responded to my inquiries in a timely manner:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Considering your experience with Rheaco Service, what is the likelihood of calling upon our service again for another project:
Likely, based on performance
Not sure
Not likely, based on performance

Considering the overall value of the service received did we provde:
An exceptional value, worth more than you paid
A good value, worth about what you paid
A poor value, worth less than you paid

Overall, I feel RHEACO SERVICE performed, installed and/or serviced my heating & air-conditioning system in a very satisfactorily professional manner:
Agree Somewhat Agree Not Sure Somewhat Disagree Disagree

Please take a moment to share in your own words anything you wish to share with us…i.e.: compliments, suggestions, and / or concerns: